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Welcome to the ATTRACTISS network page, designed for you to become a dynamic innovation player for a more sustainable agriculture and forestry!

As a network member, you will have the benefit of choosing from a variety of activities and opportunities to grow, share, and discover innovative solutions!

Would you like to be INSPIRED to innovate?

Don’t miss what ATTRACTISS has prepared for you!
You can take part in workshops to explore pathways towards innovation, Do It Yourself Labs about (new) methods of innovation support that can be adapted to the agricultural sector. This will result in at least 100 innovation generation & support methods and tools available in the ATTRACTISS Portal.

click here to find out more, sign up and we’ll keep you updated!

Would you like to IMPROVE your skills?

Join our network to receive updates on the topic-specific case studies, webinars and visits planned by ATTRACTISS to inspire and support your innovation capacity building and that of your networks.

We will also offer training modules aimed at improving your knowledge, skills and capacities as a knowledge broker -with a focus on agriculture-, as well as soft skills and policy. Keep an eye on our website so you’ll never miss one of our modules!

And if you have ideas you’d like to explore, we’d love to hear from you! Contact us with suggestions on course topic and materials, webinars subjects, potential visits and/or case studies.

Would you like to find out more about our training offer, webinars upcoming visits and case studies?
click here, sign up and we’ll keep you updated!

Would you like to SHARE knowledge on innovation?

Our main focus – how to reach optimum conditions for ISS to give support for innovative farmers and stakeholders on the one hand and comply with EU/MS regulations and targets on the other hand.

Don’t miss the chance to be part of a selected transnational knowledge system!

We will provide practice-oriented models for Innovation Support Services, facilitating knowledge flow between ISS, Managing Authorities and AKIS Coordination Bodies. We will focus on topics relevant at EU and regional level (around territorial and specific topics identified in direct cooperation with you, AKIS actors and stakeholders) to ensure, meeting your changing over time of AKIS delivery cycle expectations.

We will work through development of a modular toolbox for knowledge exchange and several capacity building initiatives (peer to peer discussion groups etc.) including masterclasses with ISS Managers and Managing Authorities Representatives.

We will create Managing Authorities and AKIS Coordination Bodies network (operating at EU and regional levels) to facilitate exchange of experiences, workshops, training directly related to your practical needs concerning AKIS policy delivery.

We will specifically focus on two relevant AKIS related issues:

a) How to increase participation in AKIS activities of “silent actors” (actors having capacity for effective participation in AKIS processes but, as a result of many factors, not effective using their potential),
b) Practical approach to Monitoring and Evaluation of ISS measures.

For all areas of activities (INSPIRE, IMPROVE, SHARE) we need your support in common needs identification to fulfil our mission – You as owners of real AKIS processes know the best what you need! Let us know please to match our activities to your needs!

Would you like to find out more? …. click heresign up and we’ll keep you updated!