The objective of ATTRACTISS is to improve & embed competencies, approaches, instruments & governance models for Member States (MS) AKIS and specifically for Innovation Support Services (ISS) as a crucial AKIS actor, accelerating individual grassroots innovative ideas to come to fruition & generating solutions for the transition process to a more sustainable agriculture & forestry sector.
ATTRACTISS has three specific objectives:
- Empower ISS & all AKIS actors, through capacity building & provision of effective methods & supportive tools, to discover innovative ideas & enable uptake in a co-creative way thereby fostering AKIS ecosystem building to support the transition to sustainable and circular agriculture & forestry systems;
- Support Managing Authorities (MA) in all EU MS to organise & monitor efficient support for ISS;
- Provide support for new actors in AKIS processes to better facilitate cocreation approaches involving farming, practitioners & research centres.